At Access Orthotics, we provide more than just items. Each of our clients is unique and has unique needs. Each requires innovative designs and specific prescriptions to support them toward their goals. Each of our appointments has a different focus tailored to the individual client. From initial assessment to review appointments we are fine-tuning your orthotic design and reviewing progress toward goals. We strive to provide excellence in orthotic care that is always client-centered.
Summary of Orthotic Care Process:
Please complete our New Client Form with your contact information, referral, and linked allied health teams.
If you are unable to complete this form, please contact us for assistance.
Telehealth option is available to discuss any concerns or urgent questions with a qualified orthotist - prior to an assessment.
We are here to help - contact us.
Description of appointment aims and process below. This can be booked through our clinic after a New Client Form has been received.
1.5 - 2 hrs (at NDIS rate $193.99per/hr)
Orthotic assessment report with recommended prescription and itemised 12 month quote (1.5hrs) or NDIS Assistive Technology Report (3hrs)
At Access Orthotics, we don’t provide orthotic quotes without an initial orthotic assessment.
These reports are prepared within 2 weeks of an initial assessment.
Written confirmation that the quote for orthotic care has been approved. A service agreement and scanning appointment can then be made and an invoice will be emailed.
Assistive Technology is custom-made through our clinic, in line with NDIS guidelines 90% is invoiced to commence fabrication. The final 10% is charged at the fitting appointment.
A description of your 3D scanning or casting appointment is below. This can be booked through our clinic after funding approval has been received.
1 hour (at NDIS rate $193.99per/hr)
Each orthosis is hand 3D modeled to your particular prescription and modified scan/cast. We hand-prepare all orthoses ready for your fitting appointment.
A description of your fitting appointment is below. This appointment is normally booked at your scanning/casting (3-4weeks)
1 hour (at NDIS rate $193.99per/hr)
This is a really important appointment! Even if everything is going well, we need to check the prescription and know that you are set for the next 3 months.
1-1.5 hours (at NDIS rate $193.99per/hr)
Your orthoses are purposely designed to support you in reaching goals. Every 3 months we need an NDIS safety check and review of your progress. Full description below.
1-1.5 hours (at NDIS rate $193.99per/hr)
Optional extras that can be included in your 12-month quote or quoted separately.
We use our gait plate for prescription/reviews and “fine-tuning”. You can also request a recording and 12-page report. For more information, please go to our BTS Vector Gate Plate page.
1.5 hours (at NDIS rate $193.99per/hr)
These sessions are optional extras that can be quoted to be included in your funding plan.
1 hour (at NDIS rate $193.99per/hr)
“Detailed assessments and reviews are vital to purposefully designed orthotic care.”
Below you can find a description of what to expect from each of our orthotic appointments.
Initial Orthotic Assessment (1.5-2hrs)
The purpose of an initial orthotic assessment is to gain all the information we need, to then prescribe your optimum orthoses.
At your initial orthotic assessment, our Orthotist will ask about your current challenges, goals, and any areas of pain that you have been experiencing. They will review your past orthotic interventions, and hear from you what has worked and what hasn't - and how you are hoping we can help. Please bring your current orthoses or your most recent ones to your appointment for reference and gait assessments.
Then we will clinically assess joint alignment/range of motion, muscle strength/weakness/tone/skin condition/insertion site tenderness/ all the normal stuff we need to understand to prescribe the right orthosis for you.
Next, we look at how you stand, how you walk, and perhaps how you enjoy some base movement assessments linked to your goals.
Our prescriptions are evidence-based, using the Elaine Owen algorithms of OSKAR (Optimal Segmental Kinematic Alignment) approach to rehabilitation. We write our prescriptions in regard to your optimal Ankle Angle (AA) and Shank to Vertical Angle (SVA), as well as coronal and transverse plane alignments. Our AFOs have integrated heel and forefoot postings (3D modeled). More information about the prescription algorithms and definitions can be found on our OSKAR page.
If you will be needing a funding report, there is the option of also obtaining plantar pressure scans or vector plate kinetic outcomes in our gait lab.
Finally, we sit down and discuss what our recommendations would be for your orthotic care and ask what you would like to do next...
Scanning / Casting appointment (1hr)
This appointment is booked when new orthotics are needed and funding has been approved.
Our Orthotist will review your prescription and discuss any questions you have about the planned design, including footwear options.
We will then take loads of measurements and normally 3D scan to create a digital cast. At Access Orthotics, we have 4 different scanning options. Plaster casting is still an option if it will give us the best results.
Please bring shorts or pants that can come easily above your knees.
We will go through the fun and important details of colour choice and embossed pictures on your 3D-printed AFO/SMOs. Your orthoses can be black, orange, yellow, red, pink, green, purple, or blue. What color will you choose? You can also pick your own picture to be embossed on the back. We want you to love your personal design.
Fitting Appointment (1hr)
Your new Orthotics are ready, and we can't wait to see how they help you.
During this appointment, we will be finishing off trim lines, and strap lengths and making sure everything fits well.
Clinically our Orthotist will then check the function of the new design and talk with you about an integration plan. We will take you through how to put your orthoses on and off and discuss any risk factors. outcomes, gait videos, and photos are taken for base records and communication with linked therapists.
It will take a few weeks to get used to new orthoses, don't go too hard too fast.
We will be booking a 2 week in clinic review to check how you are going and make any adjustments required. (Then we won't see you for 3-6 months..... unless you need us, of course!)
2 week orthotic review appointment (0.5 - 1.5hrs)
This is a really important appointment!
You have had a few weeks to get comfortable in your new orthotics, and if you are not comfortable by now we need to hear and help you. We will be asking how your “integration period” went and any challenges that we can support you with.
At your fitting appointment, everything was new and different. Now we can assess the orthotic prescription and measure outcomes.
Our Orthotist will check and record your new walking pattern and do any "fine-tuning" of your alignment or fit. They will also review any gains made towards your goals. This appointment is also required by the NDIS to ensure a safe fit of all custom-made devices.
Remember to ask for any extra socks/shoes or reports before you leave, as we won't be seeing you for another 3-6 months.
3, 6, 9 and 12 month orthotic reviews (1-1.5hrs)
Originally we asked, "what can we do to help".
Now at your Review, we want to hear how the orthotics have worked within Your day-to-day
- and if they haven't.
This appointment is also required by the NDIS for a safety check of custom-made devices.
We will inspect for any repairs required and monitor or modify for growth/volume changes.
The other purpose of this appointment is to record your progress towards goals and measurable outcomes. These outcomes can be shared with your linked therapists and are also vital in "end of plan reports" and future funding requests.
What happens after you leave the clinic from your appointment….
When we receive funding approval…. It’s Making time!!
As orthotists, we are makers at heart and this shows through in our detailed orthoses. Each orthosis is hand 3D modeled to your particular prescription and modified scan/cast. Pockets of cushioning added, areas of stiffness or flexibility, and specific functional trim lines are all designed and saved as your “digital prescription”. We are unique in this aspect of orthotic care in Australia. This allows us to review your outcome measures and replicate or improve your orthotic prescription and design.
All the elements come together. Straps are sewen/ orthoses are buffed/ glitter is sprayed/ shoes are measured/ socks are allocated…. ready for your fitting appointment
As you head out the door, we get back to work on your clinic notes, reviewing the videos and gait recordings taken during your appointment and ensuring that we have documented our next steps and plan. Then it is report writing time. We communicate with joint allied health teams initially and throughout your orthotic care and provide formal NDIS AT reports, End-of-plan reviews, and itemised quotes to support your funding process.
Our role is to support you with documentation and then wait for confirmation of funding approval ready for your scanning/casting appointment.